戰場上要獲勝,情報的蒐集與分析是首要的任務,因此在任何大小戰役中的決策中心都會設立戰情室, 以便正確、快速的將各種情報來源的資訊整合起來,作為決策的依據。同樣地, 這也是商場上「企業戰情室」設立的主要目的。
「企業戰情室」就是將企業營運過程中所蒐集、獲得的各種內部與外部資訊,經由轉換、整合的技術與過程, 儲存到資料倉儲(Data Warehouse)中,然後透過Data Mining、OLAP等工具,以適當的圖、表等型態呈現給企業的主管, 以作為決策的參考和依據。這就是屬於分析型CRM系統 (Analytical CRM)的範圍了。
而所謂的「企業戰情室」系統之中,究竟該包含那些資訊呢? 這個問題的答案是很難回答的, 因為對於不同的產業來說,「企業戰情室」系統中所應該提供的資訊幾乎是完全不同的。 甚至在同一種行業別中,因為每家公司的規模、經營方式、市場定位都不盡相同, 所以很少有兩家公司的企業戰情室系統會完全相同。但是如果從系統所提供的資訊類別來看, 其實還是有脈絡可循的,主要來說不外乎包含經營績效、市場分析、作業管理…等範圍。
The Concept of Enterprise War Room (EWR)
If we want to overcome all the difficulties in a war, collecting and analyzing information are in the top priority. Therefore, in every scale of battle, we need a war room in the decision center, so that we can integrate all the resources of information more efficiently and effectively. Similarly, this is also the main purpose of establishing Enterprise War Room in commerce.
The concept of Enterprise War Room includes collecting and acquiring internal and external information in the enterprise operating process, transferring and integrating the technology and processes, storing data into Data Warehouse, and presenting data in appropriate format of diagrams or charts through Data Mining and OLAP tools. The above statements belong to Analytical CRM scope.
In addition, what kinds of information should so-called Enterprise War Room Systems include? The answer should differ from industry to industry. Because in different industries, the data or information included in the system should be totally different. Moreover, even in the same industry, different companies may have different scales, operating styles, and marketing positions. Therefore, it’s hard to find 2 companies using the same enterprise war room systems. However, we can still find out some similarities from the information offered by the systems such as operating performance, marketing analysis, and operating management and so on.