腦力激盪法是在1938年左右,當時擔任美國廣告代理商BBOD公司副總裁的Alex F. Osborn 所想出來的。簡而言之,是幾個人集合在一起,圍繞著某個問題自由奔放地互相提出意見或構想的一種會議形式。根據Osborn的說法是指「用頭腦(brain)猛烈攻擊(storm)問題」之意(楊平吉譯,民81:25-26)。
According to the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the definition of quality is the integrated characteristics of the products or service, the kind of characteristics could make the products and services have the capability of satisfying customers’ requirement or potential needs.
A. The executing tools of TQM
TQM can be divided into 2 sections: the philosophy of the quality and the improving tools and techniques of the quality. The 2 sections benefited each other and are indispensible. The followings is brief introduction of common tools for implementing TQM.
a. Brainstorming
Brainstorming was come up by the vice presidents of the American ad agent BBOD Alex F. Osbom. In short, it is a conference format that several people gathering together prose new idea or opinion with a wild mind. According to Osborn, it means that “fiercely storm questions with brains” (楊平吉譯,民81:25-26)
The purposes of brainstorming are approximately as the following:
1) The characteristic is in a means of creative thinking and group thinking.
2) Arouse the most possibility of participants’ creativity.
3) Based on a theory that one inspiration could arouse another, more creative thoughts thus surface, the we can select the best creation which is worth to be implemented.
(二)巴瑞多圖(Pareto Chart)
巴瑞多圖的起源可溯及1897年,義大利經濟學家Viltredo Pareto研究社會經濟結構時,提出公式說明所得集中於少數人的情況,也就是所謂80/20比的原則,表示百分之八十的功能僅來自於百分之二十的原因,亦即「重要的少數,瑣細的多數」(Vital few,trivial many)。而後Joseph M. Juran將此法應用於品質管理。
因此,巴瑞多圖乃是依據造成某一影響之各原因重要性予以有次序排列的途徑。一般來說,改善工作由最重要之處入手,然後依此類推(Carr & Littman,1993:70)。以往的品質管理常用百分之八十的檢驗去找出百分之二十的問題,不過衡諸這些問題的價植,實際根本毋須花費組織如許多的心力(Hutchins,1984:64)。組織的資源畢竟有限,假若能集中資源先去解決重要的問題,非但減少了無謂的浪費並且提高了組織的效能。可見巴瑞多圖具有下列數項功能:
(三)特性要因圖(Cause and Effect Diagram)
石川馨首次在1953年,與川崎製鐵葺合工廠的人們一起進行要因分析時,把這些人的意見用魚骨狀圖形予以歸納起來,這就是特性要因圖的誕生,至今對要因情報的蒐集仍發揮強有力的效果(葉德芬,民75:125)。故又稱石川圖(Ishikawa Diagram),又因其狀似魚骨,亦稱魚骨圖(Fishbone Diagram)。另外由於此圖闡明原因與結果的關係,故亦稱因果圖(Cause-and-effect Diagram)。
b. Pareto Chart
The origin of Pareto Chart can be traced back to 1897, when the Italian Economist Viltredo Pareto had a research on the structure of social economy, he proposed a model that introduced the income came from the minority, which was so-called 80/20 principle. The principle showed 80% of the functions merely came from 20% of the reasons, namely, Vital few, trivial many. Later on, Joseph M. Juran applied the method to quality management.
Thus, Pareto Chart is still a method with sequential array based on the importance of affecting factors. Generally speaking, improving work should be started at the beginning, and go to the next step(Carr & Littman,1993:70).
In the past, the quality management unit usually uses 80% of inspection to find out 20% question. However, after evaluating the value of the problem, we could find out that it is unnecessary to cost the organization so much (Hutchins,1984:64). After all, the resources of the organization are limited, if we can put the resourced to solve more important problems, we can not only reduced the meaningless waste, and enhance the effectiveness of the organization. According to the above reasons, we can conclude that the Pareto Chart has the following functions:
1. The Pareto Chart can help us to find out which item is the most important one to construct the problem.
2. The Pareto Chart can help us to acquire the information about how the item would affect the whole group objectively.
3. The Pareto Chart can help us to find out the common objective for the whole group and improve the main important item.
4. The Pareto Chart can help us to select items which need to be improved, and could be solved by teamwork.
c. Cause and Effect Diagram
The birth of the cause and effect diagram could be traced back in 1953 when Ishikawa analyzed the case and effect with the staff in the Kawasaki Steel. They use fishbone-shaped diagram to categorize their opinions. This method still has a powerful effect on collecting the main cause in formation. (葉德芬,民75:125) This kind of diagram also called Ishikawa diagram, and also fishbone diagram for its shape. Besides, because the diagram elaborate the relationship between cause and effect, it’s also called Cause-and-effect Diagram.
In short, a diagram which is used to collect some causes and effects of a problem and shows the relationship among them is called cause-and-effect diagram.
(四)檢核表(Check List)
B. Check List
Check List is graph or chart made based on simple data in a way which is easy to understand. Researchers can have further analyze and check with the check symbol and statistical analysis. The purposes of the checklist are(鄭清和,民77:49-50):
1. To be convenient to collect data.
2. Use simple symbol, sign, and number to record in the graph or chart, making the result clearly seen.
3. Useful way of improving daily routine management, which has low risk and high efficiency with top priority to solve problems.
4. To grasp the key point of the problems accurately.
Check List can be grouped into two categories: (1) check list for inspection: the main purpose is to check the condition of the operation process to prevent the negligence and omissions. (2) check list for record: the main purpose is to comprehend the result.