(Lesley & Malcolm, 1992:18-96)。
認為品質就是適用(fitness for use)(Dale & Cooper,1992:6 ),在使用期間要滿足使用者的需要。主要決定於使用者認知對本身有利之產品,品質特徵適用度愈高,表示使用者愈滿足,及品質愈高。
另Juran認為品質管理可援用財務管理所採行的三個管理程序,分別為品質規劃、品質控制、品質改善,合稱為「裘蘭三部曲」(Juran Trilogy)(吳鄭重譯,民83:23-29)。
日本品質管理師石川馨(Kaoru Ishikawa)
A. Definition of quality
Due to different viewpoints and aspects, there have been various definitions of quality. The followings are different definitions of numerous quality management masters and scholars:
Quality is considered to be “the needs of customers now and in the future.” Quality should be made rather than be obtained by examined. We should use the most economical way to manufacture the most useful products. In addition, the improvement of quality can be achieved by statistic control and eliminating the differences in the process. The improvement of quality can be easily achieved with the involvement of all employees.
J.Juran thought that quality is fitness for use (Dale & Cooper,1992:6 ), the products should meet what the users need. It mainly focuses on the products of cognition of the users themselves. The more fitness the characteristics of the quality have, the higher satisfaction the users get and the higher the quality is.
In addition, Juran thought that the quality management could be applied to the three management processes of financial management, which are quality planning, quality control, and quality improvement, so called the Juran Trilogy.
P.B.Crosby thought that quality is the standards meeting demands. It is important to get things right at the first time. The 4 main opinions of P.B.Crosby are:
1. The definition of quality is meeting demands rather than “good”.
2. Quality should be obtained from prevention rather than examination.
3. the requirement of quality should be zero defect, rather than “acceptable quality level.”
4. we should evaluate quality by calculating the cost of below standards, rather than the quality index.
L.Martin gave several definitions of quality based on different aspects (Martin,1993:27-31):
Aspect | Definition |
Accessibility | Is the product or service easy to be accessed? |
Assurance | Employees are friendly, diligent, considerate and knowledgeable. |
Communication | Notify new information of in the language of what customers understand. |
Competence | Staff should obtain the knowledge and technique of the products or service provided |
Conformity | Products or Services should meet standard |
Courtesy | Staff should be polite, respectable, and considerate to customers |
Deficiency | Find out any Quality Characteristic which is likely to harm the quality |
Durability | Performance, result or outcome won't be eliminated rapidly |
Empathy | Staff should observe and understand the meaning of customer performance |
Humaneness | Provide products to customers with a way of protecting customers and self-value |
Performance | Provide Products or Service with the standards planned ahead |
Reliability | The capability of providing products or services to customers which is reliable and competitive and won't change with time and customers |
Responsiveness | the instantaneous services or products provided to customers |
Security | Provide products and services in a safe, non-dangerous, riskless condition |
Tangibles | the natural appearances of facilities, accommodation, personnel, and published material |
The Quality Management Master Kaoru Ishikawa
The meaning of quality is the quality of work, service, information, process, department and personnel including workers, engineers, managers, administrative persons and also the quality of system, company, goal and so on.
The basic method is to control the quality of every aspect expected.